The new TV series on ABC looks pretty interesting. I'm curious to see if they will accurately represent the story of David especially as it relates to shepherd slings. We will definitely see if it does!
My favorite target is most definitely the 9 foot tall Goliath we have at The Great Passion Play. In this video, I throw a giant marshmallow through its head (the hole is there so people can put their face in it). This just shows how accurate David could have been against Goliath. Although there are many different variations for how to throw a shepherd sling, I have found 3 good ways! Underhand - like you would throw a softball Overhead - helicopter throw Overhand - like you would throw a baseball (some people call this a figure 8 throw) I recommend starting out with the underhand throw! Which way do you like to throw? This is the first design of shepherd sling that I made and used in 2008. Now, I don't make very many of this kind at all! Still very fun to throw with though!
Here I am in Little America, Wyoming. It's a nice little place to stop and stretch. Plus, they have 50 cent ice cream cones that are really good (no matter what the temperature outside). Please remember that I am throwing a snowball, so no damage was done to the sign.
Once you start throwing a shepherd sling, you will never want to stop. The key is to get started. The reason I started making shepherd slings is to help make the Scriptures come alive at The Great Passion Play. It turned into much more than that! Get into a communityA good friend of mine made by first shepherd sling, and from there, I just started experimenting. was very helpful as well. :) In fact, is a great place to connect and get your questions answered about all things related to slinging!
AuthorI am David the Shepherd, and I have been making and using slings for 6 years! Archives
March 2016